Tutorial Photo Strip Vector Shape

Tutorial Photo Strip Vector Shape

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Tutorial Photo Strip Vector Shape – A photo strip vector shape is a digital design element that mimics the appearance of traditional photo booth strips. These strips typically contain a series of rectangular frames aligned vertically, each intended to hold a photo. In vector graphic format, the photo strip is created using mathematical equations rather than pixels, making it infinitely scalable without loss of quality. Here are some key characteristics and uses of a photo strip vector shape:

Tutorial Photo Strip Vector Shape

First, create a strip with the Pen tool (either in Photoshop or Illustrator). We will use these shapes as a guideline and for masking purposes.

stripe outline shapes

Choose 3 photos of your choice and stack them together.

photo stack

Adjust the layer opacity to 40 or 50% so you can see the guideline underneath. Go to Edit > Transform > Warp. Now you should see a grid and 4 anchor points in the corner. To bending the image, simply drag the anchor points, direction points, or grid lines.

grid 1

Repeat this step for the rest of the strip. Since this step is relatively simple and repeatitive, I’m not going to get into the details. Here are the screenshots of the steps:

grid 2

grid 3

grid 4

Organize the layers into groups (ie. strip 1, 2, 3, 4).

layer groups

Load selection from the shapes you created in step 1 and add a layer mask for each group (so you get a perfect smooth curve).

layer mask

In masked group 1, create a new layer above the strip. Use the Gradient tool and drag from the top to bottom to create a black gradient.


Repeat this step for the other strips.


To make highlighted and glossy areas: create a round glowing circle, compress it, and rotate it in the angle according to your strip’s direction.


To make line strokes: load a selection of the mask, create a new layer, fill it with black, shift the selection to the left by 1 or 2 pixels, delete the selected area by pressing the Delete key.

line strokes

To make the image look more interesting, desaturated the two strips in the back.


The Photoshop warp tool is very useful when creating any sort of twisting and bending graphic effects. The following examples illustrate some of the things that you can do with the warp tool. Have fun!

warp examples

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